Your monthly gifts to Mercy Ships can bring lasting hope and healing!

Be the foundation of change for children like Emmanuel


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As a Steadfast Giver, your consistent generosity can be a lifeline to Mercy Ships, offering the critical, ongoing support needed to deliver life-changing surgeries to children like Emmanuel who have no one to turn to for help. 

Meet Emmanuel

Emmanuel, a brave little boy from Sierra Leone, was born with a rare and painful tumour on the front of his left ear. His parents searched tirelessly for a solution, visiting every hospital in the country, but no treatments or surgeries were available.

When they learned about the arrival of the Global Mercy in Freetown, a glimmer of hope was rekindled. They knew this hospital ship might be their last chance. 

Thanks to the steadfast support of people like you, their prayers were answered, and Emmanuel received the surgery that saved his life.

But there are still many more children like Emmanuel who urgently need our help.


Poverty rate

75% of the population lives below the poverty line of $2 per day


27 million

Doctors, nurses, and midwives

0.4 doctors per 10’000 inhabitants

2.2 nurses and midwives per 10’000 inhabitants

Will you commit to monthly giving to help more children like Emmanuel?

Your monthly gift, no matter the size, can provide a reliable source of funding that allows Mercy Ships to continue bringing hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor.

Imagine the joy of knowing that every month, you are giving the gift of a life without pain, sorrow, or fear to a child in need. 

Your steadfast support ensures that Mercy Ships can continue to perform healing miracles every single day.

Emmanuel video

Yes, you can count on me

Your steadfast support ensures that Mercy Ships can continue to perform healing miracles for children like Emmanuel every single day.

Thank you for your unwavering generosity. 

Global Mercy & Africa Mercy

About Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships brings hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor by providing free, life-changing surgeries onboard our hospital ships. 

Click here to discover more about this amazing charity.